When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Luke has learned to deal with loss. He lost his parents when he was very young and has spent the rest of his young life in the foster system. Friends have come and gone. Potential parents have passed him by. Yet, he has persevered and found a small group of companions that all look out for one another. It’s not until a prank goes wrong and one of those companions is the cost that everything begins to spiral out of control. To help with his grief, he visits the home of a long-time volunteer for the group home, named Sandra Judd. Sandra brings him into her and her husband’s home and they help him find God. Sandra fears that Luke is possessed and is not in control of his own actions. She has dedicated her life to saving those plagued by these demons and vows to save Luke as well, but quickly learns that this demon is stronger than the rest as it terrorizes everyone in her home. She believes her faith in God is stronger and struggles to save them all. Unfortunately, it will not be that easy and they will be exposed to horrors they have never dealt with before. And when the truth is revealed, their lives will never be the same. What prices will be paid for the hope of salvation?

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Nov 24th Mirror hand wall 5